
Showing posts from March, 2023

What Would Be The Benefits Of Being Part Of A Sovereign State?

I published What Would Be The Benefits Of Being Part Of A Sovereign State? on Medium. Born in the UK, after finishing school Stephen Hodgkiss graduated from Technical College with a HND (Higher National Diploma). After working his way up as an Employee of various companies, he went Freelance in 1987. Working both in the UK and locations worldwide, Stephen Hodgkiss soon built up his reputation as a very competent developer, being retained by one particular Bank for 15 years. #stephenhodgkiss #blockchain

YEMChain: The Future of Secure and Transparent Transactions

I published YEMChain: The Future of Secure and Transparent Transactions on Medium. Born in the UK, after finishing school Stephen Hodgkiss graduated from Technical College with a HND (Higher National Diploma). After working his way up as an Employee of various companies, he went Freelance in 1987. Working both in the UK and locations worldwide, Stephen Hodgkiss soon built up his reputation as a very competent developer, being retained by one particular Bank for 15 years. #stephenhodgkiss #blockchain

Customer Loyalty: Does Your Business Need a Rewards Program?

I published Customer Loyalty: Does Your Business Need a Rewards Program? on Medium. Born in the UK, after finishing school Stephen Hodgkiss graduated from Technical College with a HND (Higher National Diploma). After working his way up as an Employee of various companies, he went Freelance in 1987. Working both in the UK and locations worldwide, Stephen Hodgkiss soon built up his reputation as a very competent developer, being retained by one particular Bank for 15 years. #stephenhodgkiss #blockchain